Show your uniqueness with a very personal gift

Your unique vibes

How you make a very personal gift, underlining your uniqueness and making a big impression

By Christoph Galik DEIN Lied | YOUR song

Here I show you how to make an absolutely unique gift in the form of a composed song.

How is that supposed to work, I can’t compose? Don’t worry about the composition. It will be taken care of.

Keine Sorge um die Komposition brauchst du dich nicht zu kümmern. Dafür wird gesorgt.

  • We create the song together in 3 steps

    • We work out the content together
    • You get a sample
    • The unique song is realised

What can I contribute to the content?

  • We talk about the loved one you want to give such a unique gift. A DEIN Lied / YOUR song questionnaire helps us to do this. Together we get a picture of the person. Oh yes, a photo also helps us a lot.

What is the need for a photo?

  • DEIN Lied / YOUR song is a unique and very moving gift. A photo helps us to capture the emotion of the person even better.

What is a sample?

  • After our conversation, we will compose the song and write the lyrics. Before we start recording in a studio, you can listen to the song in a simple form. Maybe you want to change a few little things.

And the implementation, what happens there?

  • Depending on which DEIN Lied | YOUR song recording option you have chosen (we will explain the in advance in our conversation), we will record the unique song in the recording studio with guitar and vocals or with a full band line-up.

What style of music can I expect?

  • The musical style of the song is completely open and will suit the person the unique song is for. We have no specialisation in styles. We implement what comes up. Feel free to get an overview, below you will find testimonials with song excerpts from a selection of our repertoire that you can listen to.

In which language is the song available?

  • We have some international friends. For this reason, the lyrics are in English and German. If the song is in English, we can provide a German translation on request.

How do I know if I like the song?

  • We present the draft of the unique song to you in a so-called safety-check. Together we listen to a simple recording of the song and also check the lyrics. We are happy to consider requests for changes within an acceptable framework.

I what form do I get the song?

  • In any case as MP3 and WAV file. You can still choose whether you want to receive it on a beautiful USB stick or even more uniquely presented as vinyl in a picture frame on a velour-covered back plate

What happens to the very personal data from the interview?

  • The data will only be recorded manually during our interview, stored locally and treated as strictly confidential. We will gladly send you an interview protocol. After completion of the song, we will of course destroy or delete the data upon request in accordance with the European DSGVO.

Are there audio samples?

  • With the kind permission of our clients, we are allowed to provide a few audio samples. You can find them in the testimonials section.

Can I give myself a unique song?

  • You can make DEIN Lied | YOUR song a gift to yourself. That happens! You can see an example of this in the Testimonials section.

What if I have more questions that I can’t find here?

  • Just get in touch and click the button, I am sure we can answer your questions.

DEIN Lied | YOUR song – Testimonials

DEIN Lied | YOUR song:
The Mountain Goat

DEIN Lied | YOUR song – Testimonials

I am proud to announce that I am the first customer of DEIN Lied | YOUR song. A friend of mine me told that there is someone who writes unique personal songs. So, I said to myself: “I’ll treat myself to that” and ordered a song to myself as a birthday present. I asked the same friend to fill out the questionnaire and do the interview. I wanted to surprise myself and not know anything about the content of the song in advance. I also deliberately refrained from listening to a draft of the song.

On my birthday, my DEIN Lied | YOUR song gift was presented to me via video call live with guitar and vocals. My wife and I were and are thrilled and also very touched. My song became a song for both of us, because my birthday is also our wedding day. So, we listen to the song again and again, especially on our anniversary.

Thank you for this unique song.

DEIN Lied | YOUR song:
Sophia Ruza

Ana-Marija und Heinz Autischer (Founder, Managing Director, Wels, Austria)

We got DEIN Lied | YOUR song as a big surprise for our wedding. We were very happy about it, especially because the song was written for our then 8-month-old daughter. The live presentation of “Sophia Ruža” was one of the highlights of our wedding. Our daughter Sophia listens to the song over and over again while playing with the Toniebox, where we uploaded the song to a character. With the included chords, we can play this unique song ourselves on the piano and sing along with it.

DEIN Lied | YOUR song:
On And On & Move On

Johann Filzmoser (Management Consultant, Gratwein, Austria)

I liked the idea DEIN Lied | YOUR song so much that I ordered 2 songs at once. I felt so comfortable during the interview and gained so much confidence that I did without audio samples before completion. One song went to my wife as a birthday present. The second one I gave to both of us for our anniversary, which I have one month later. DEIN Lied | YOUR song helped me give my wife a push to take a bold step in her career („Just Move On “). I wouldn’t have been able to do it that way. With DEIN Lied | YOUR song my message was very well received through a very touching, unique song.

Our song together „On and On“, has taken our relationship to the next level. We listen to both songs together all the time. Thank you for these touching songs.

DEIN Lied | YOUR song:
Here I Go

Astrid Hogl-Kräuter (Astrologer ASTRO ASTRID, Vienna, Austria)

I met Christoph Galik from DEIN Lied | YOUR song at a workshop. The idea of everyone having their own song made me curious and I ordered a song for my daughter. And the result? Such a powerful, cool and casual song. Emma is totally happy when she hears the song and she likes it a lot.

I am totally thrilled.